Advanced land-use change detection

OpenAtlas is the satellite monitoring service of choice for traceability platforms.

We help companies create a deforestation-free future.

Here’s how


Everything starts with awareness.

Through our supply chain assessment we help businesses understand the deforestation exposure of their products by analysing land use change at the plot of origin.


Modelling land use change over time.

Our deforestation warning system provides a time series analysis of the high risk plots, enabling us to see encroaching deforestation surrounding areas and reveal risks before they occur.


Risk mitigation.

With this understanding of your production plots and their surrounding areas, a risk mitigation strategy can be developed in collaboration with our partners —preventing future risks of deforestation or forest degradation.

Supply Chain Assessment

Know your supply chain inside out

Understanding your current supply chain is essential to prepare for the EUDR. Our service will tell you if any supplier plots are at risk of EUDR non-compliance today. In-scope products will need to be accompanied by a risk assessment report as of December 30, 2024.

Monitoring & Analysis

Better decisions, better planet

With our satellite analysis, companies can track how land has changed over time. Armed with this information we can make better decisions about where to allocate resources to protect our rapidly diminishing forests and protect our planet’s biodiversity.

We make things that just make sense

API Ready Integration

Incorporate our monitoring capability into your traceability platform quickly to provide your client’s with a full service product.

Agile Regulatory Updates

Our smart proprietary model architecture allows us to quickly incorporate regulatory feedback as soon as it becomes available.

AI powered Land-Use Model

Our self-supervised machine learning model is continuously learning new land use designations and becoming more accurate with each passing day.

Join a Pilot Program

The best way to know if something works is to try it out.